Current status of antibiotic resistant micro-organisms in the United States and globally. Medical and societal issues promoting resistant micro-organisms. Mechanisms and biological pressures promoting emergence of resistant bacterial strains. Clinical indications of viral sinusitis as compared with bacterial sinusitis. Predominant bacterial strains and clinical efficacy of different antibiotics in the control of sinusitis. General prevalence of resistant bacterial strains. Strategies to prevent overuse and inappropriate prescribing of antibiotics. Current recommendations for treatment of sinusitis. Current AAOS and ADA guidelines regarding antibiotic prophylaxis for patients with prosthetic joint replacements. Adverse effects and legal liabilities associated with C. diff. New diagnostic regimen and antibiotic development to treat superbugs. California Dental Board approved CE. AGD PACE Nationally approved CE. Remote self-directed distance learning. Online dental continuing education course.
12 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Antibiotic Resistance Concerns 2023
Very useful professionally and personally
Scary new liability concern
Great course that highlights the medical and legal issues associated with over-prescribing antibiotics just because patients expect or demand them. Always an issue with joint replacement patients
Scary new liability concern
Great course that highlights the medical and legal issues associated with over-prescribing antibiotics just because patients expect or demand them. Always an issue with joint replacement patients
The new liability!
Great course reminding us of the dangers of overprescribing unneeded antibiotics: see a lot of liability coming on this topic
Alternate dangers
With so many patients demanding antibiotics this gave me good talking points to back up the doctor when no antibiotics are prescribed
New liability issue
Good reminder of the liability of prescribing antibiotics if not necessary and the dangers of C. diff and resistant bugs
Good talking points
Glad to see a course that gives solid references about the dangers of overprescribing antibiotics. Wish all the joint replacement surgeons would read this rather than loading up all their patients (my patients) to cover their rears.
Antibiotic dangers
Good info to share with patients, especially those with total hips and knees whose orthopedic surgeons keep throwing antibiotics at them and expect us to write the Rx. Antibiotic resistance increasing is a real threat.