Fulfills the Dental Board of California, Department of Consumer Affairs (and many other states) requirement for 2 hours of Dental Infection Control study during each 2 year license renewal period for all licensed dental professionals: (DDS, DMD, RDH, RDA, etc.) dentists, registered dental hygienists, and dental assistants Covers general dental infection control guidelines, recommendations, and protocols for dentistry and dental offices as presented by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and includes the latest CDC dental COVID-19 protocols for dental facilities and dental practitioners. California Dental Board approved CE. AGD PACE National approved CE. Self-directed, remote, distance learning dental CE course.
CE Alert: Be aware that this Dental Infection Control course does NOT fulfill the separate annual Cal-OSHA requirement for a dental OSHA review course to be taken by all dental office staff members who may have patient contact or who may come in contact with contaminated materials. That is a yearly mandate from a separate state agency and it is every California employer's responsibility to verify that every staff member has completed that 2-hour training. The OSHA Review course may be ordered separately on this website (this is usually ordered by the employer and distributed to employees to meet the state requirement, as this is a state employer requirement to promote workplace safety). Many offices will order multiple copies for all of their employees and complete them together at an office in-service meeting, or distribute them individually to be completed and submitted at the employee's convenience.