Reviews a unique new amide-type local anesthetic recently approved for use in the United States. History of usage in other countries. Reviews mechanism of action of local anesthetics. Familiarizes practitioners with the unique chemical structure and pharmacokinetics of Septocaine. Prescribing protocols for Septocaine including recommended clinical administration and maximum dosages. Clinical impressions of efficacy and specific clinical applications. Research regarding safety and efficacy in various age groups. Potential for higher incidence of paresthesia when utilized for block anesthesia. California Dental Board approved CE. AGD PACE National approved CE. Remote self-directed distance learning online dental continuing education.
7 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
Septocaine (Articaine HCl) Local Anesthetic
Awesome subject. Helpful to switch from lidocaine to septocaine.
Always use this stuff
My favorite local anesthetic by far. Glad to have the 411 on it! Good course
Increasing usage
Using Septo much more frequently lately for mandibular anesthesia without a block, good update
Enjoyed the breakdown of studies related to Septocaine which we use more at the office for mandibular injections without blocks. So glad this is available in the United States
Good to know the details about this local we're using in the office more often
Kerry Hanson septocaine:
a great reminder of the local anesthetic that I don't use thanks
It was Good course!